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DARVO is a term normally used to describe narcissism behavior patterns that are exhibited by Escape/Avoidance behavior and redirection.

Imagine Solutions with Urban Youth Initiative inc.
1 July, 2024

DARVO and Poor Social Emotion-Regulation: Escape and Redirection

DARVO is an acronym commonly used in psychology to describe a pattern of behavior often seen in individuals who are confronted with accusations of wrongdoing. DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. This concept was first introduced by Dr. Jennifer Freyd, a psychologist and researcher specializing in the study of interpersonal relationships and trauma.

Here is a breakdown of the components of the DARVO acronym:

1. Deny: The first step in the DARVO process is denial. When confronted with an accusation or criticism, the individual may deny any wrongdoing or responsibility for the alleged behavior. Denial can take many forms, including outright refusal to acknowledge the accusation, minimizing the severity of the behavior, or shifting blame onto others.

2. Attack: The second step in DARVO involves attacking the credibility of the accuser. In this stage, the individual may launch a counterattack against the person making the accusation, questioning their motives, integrity, or character. This can be done to deflect attention away from the original accusation and discredit the accuser.

3. Reverse Victim and Offender: The final step in the DARVO process is to reverse the roles of victim and offender. In this stage, the individual may portray themselves as the victim of unfair treatment or persecution, painting the accuser as the true offender. By flipping the narrative in this way, the individual seeks to garner sympathy and support while deflecting responsibility for their actions.

The DARVO acronym is often used to describe a manipulative and defensive response to being confronted with allegations of misconduct. This pattern of behavior can be seen in various contexts, including interpersonal relationships, organizational settings, and legal proceedings. By understanding the components of DARVO, psychologists and mental health professionals can better recognize and address the dynamics at play when individuals engage in this type of response.

In summary, DARVO is a psychological concept that describes a common pattern of behavior in which individuals respond to accusations by denying responsibility, attacking the credibility of the accuser, and reversing the roles of victim and offender. By recognizing the elements of DENY, ATTACK, and REVERSE VICTIM AND OFFENDER in interpersonal interactions, psychologists can help individuals navigate conflicts and promote healthier communication and accountability.
New York, NY